Who we are

B&C Farms is a veteran-owned and operated family farm. We officially began this journey in 2025. Our mission is to provide you with responsibly raised meat, the way God intended. This means all of our livestock is raised as close as possible to how they would live in their natural habitats.

Our chickens are moved to fresh pasture daily, ensuring they can forage for greens and bugs. Our hogs are raised in a large, wooded pasture, giving them ample space to root around (dig) and wallow (mud baths). This is in stark contrast to how "big meat," as we like to call them, raises the meat found in your local grocery store. There, thousands of chickens are crammed into one building, breathing in their own fecal dust. Hogs are often confined to small cages where they don't have enough room to turn around, preventing them from burning calories and making them gain weight faster.

Our approach ensures that you, the customer, can have confidence knowing the meat you're feeding your family was responsibly raised. And, by purchasing from us you're supporting a small veteran-owned and operated family business. We appreciate every single one of you!


Meet the family



How we met


My name is Cody and I would like to start off by saying how grateful I am for you to be taking the time to visit our page and learn more about us. I grew up in Oregon with my older brother and younger sister. After high school I could not figure out what I wanted to do for a career. I eventually knew I needed to do something I decided to join the Marine Corps, after getting out I moved to Colorado worked on the road traveling for a concrete demolition company. During that time I had moved here to TN shortly after Brandon and his family had moved out here. I love calling TN home, the greenery and weather reminds me so much of Oregon. While living on the farm with Brandons family I found out that raising livestock is a huge passion of mine and I enjoy everything about it.